About me

Hello! I'm so glad you've decided to learn a bit more about me. I'm a former educator and longtime social and emotional learning (SEL) advocate, living in California with my husband, our two kiddos, and our black lab mix dog, Murphy.

My professional background is mainly in K–8 education and curriculum development, with a focus on SEL. I am passionate about ensuring that all students receive a high-quality education that places a strong emphasis on SEL, and have dedicated my career to this cause as a teacher, curriculum developer, and as part of the Classroom Champions team — my most recent position.

As the Director of Educational Programs, I led a team of passionate former educators and former and currently competing Olympic athletes to bring an innovative SEL program into classrooms across the United States and Canada. This program provides students with mentorship in social and emotional skills from world-class athletes, via video lessons and live video chats. Although I left my Director role to begin a freelancing career, I remain deeply connected to the organization and continue to do consulting work with them.

In addition to advocating for quality public education and the inclusion of social and emotional learning in schools, I enjoy writing and editing. I'm now using my experience in the educational publishing world, as an educator, and as a lifelong learner to provide freelance curriculum development, copywriting, and copy editing/proofreading services.

In an effort to remain connected to the world of K-8 education, I am very involved in my children's classrooms. I currently volunteer in my daughter's kindergarten class and act as the parent advisor to the school's Student Council.

I also explore SEL as it relates to self-compassion, raising kinder kids, and compassion for others on my blog at www.embracingkindness.com.

For more detail about my professional background, please see my LinkedIn profile.